Scientific Program Dermatology

Day I (4th of April 2024)

RAOUL ROBACKI HALL (-1st floor, A Building)
Opening of the conference
Simona Ianosi

Chairmen: Mihaela Vladu, Simona Ianosi

• Management of the patient with diabetes and skin manifestations
Loredana Stoica

Coffee Break

FLORIN BOGDAN HALL (1st floor, A Building)
Autoimmune diseases – Joint venture Rheuma-Derma
• Educational session supported by Astra Zeneca
• Chairman: Simona Rednic, Magda Pârvu

• 10:40-11:00 New treatment strategies in SLE
Simona Rednic

• 11:00-11:20 SLE and pregnancy
Magda Parvu

• 11:20-11:40 Non-responding skin SLE
Alina Vilcea

• 11:40-12:00 Skin involvement in systemic vasculitis
Loredana Stoica

Psoriatic Arthritis
• Educational session supported by Novartis
• Chairmen: Florentin Vreju, Andra Bălănescu

• 12:00-12:20 Red flags in Pso
Simona Ianosi

• 12.20-13.00 New EULAR recommendation in the PsA management 2024 from theory to practical issues
Andra Bălănescu, Florentin Vreju

Lunch break

RAOUL ROBACKI HALL (-1st floor, A Building)
Disciple - Mentor, Interactive clinical case session
Chairmen: Amalia Romanescu, Cristina Tutunaru, Florentina Dumitrescu, Simona Ianosi

14:00-14:30 Pemphigus vulgaris and psoriasis - accidental association or cutaneous comorbidity?
Oana Ica, Simona Ianosi

14:30-15:00 Mycosis fungoides in a patient with severe psoriasis vulgaris
Bianca Sabina Constantinscu, Amalia Romanescu

15:00-15:30 Mucocutaneous manifestations in HIV infected patients
Eugenia Andreea Marcu, Florentina Dumitrescu

Why does the psoriasis patient relapse on biological therapy?
Symposium supported by Terapia
• Remus Orăsan

Genitalia psoriasis. Getting a clear picture.
• Symposium supported by Eli-Lilly
• Simona Ianoși

AULA MAGNA (Ground floor, B Building)
The importance on the G6 universities in medical education of population

•G6-UMF Symposia dedicated to World Health Day
Rectors of the Romanian Medical Universities: Leonard Azamfirei (UMFST George Emil Palade Tg. Mureș), Anca Buzoianu (UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj), Octavian Crețu (UMF Victor Babeș Timișoara), Dan Gheonea (UMF Craiova), Viorel Jinga (UMF Carol Davila București), Viorel Scripcariu (UMF Gr.T. Popa Iași)

The hub of innovation – a strong partnership G6-UMF – MS – LAWG
Teodor Blidaru (Manager Innovation Hub), Viorel Jinga (President G6-UMF), Stefan Strilciuc (MS representative), Frank Loeffler (President LAWG), Radu Rășinar (Vice-President LAWG), Adriana Stara (Board Member LAWG)/span>

The genetic origins of Romanians through the fog of the times
Mihai Netea – Spinoza Prize Laureate, Radboud University, The Netherlands

Day II (5th of April 2024)

RAOUL ROBACKI HALL (-1st floor, A Building)
Genetics-Dermatology - Integrating genomics in dermatological clinical practice
Chairmen: Florin Burada, Simona Ianosi

• 10:00-10:30 Advances in understanding the etiopathogenesis of inherited and common skin disorders
Alina Maria Vîlcea, Cristina Tutunaru

• 10:30-11:00 From monogenic to multifactorial skin diseases - genetic and genomic approaches
Rebecca Șerban, Alexandru Cărămizaru

The importance of dermatologist-rheumatologist collaboration in real life
• Symposium supported by Ewo Pharma
Simona Ianosi, Floretin Vreju

A new way to treat psoriasis, oral therapy with Deucravacitinib
• Symposium supported by Bristol Myers Squibb
Simona Ianosi

Closing of the conference

Orele programului sunt exprimate in ora României